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Rules of Latimer Reservation

Our goal is to provide you the safest, most fun experience on the Cumberland Plateau.  Latimer Reservation is guided by the Scout Oath and the twelve points of the Scout Law. All participants are measured against these principles, and behavior which does not meet the high standards of the Scout Oath, and Law, will not be tolerated.  All youth groups and educational groups can view the Scout Oath and Scout Law at  All participants are asked for their cooperation in helping to maintain these high standards of moral and personal behavior.


The following rules have been established for the health and safety of all participants, adult leaders, reservation staff, and visitors:                       


  • Vehicles may not be driven past the main parking lot without special permit. Leaders with disabilities may receive a special pass for vehicle entry, but only after consultation with the Reservation Director. All ATV's are prohibited from use by participants and adult leaders. Posted speed limits MUST be obeyed.

  • No flames in tents! All tents are marked "No Flames in Tent". Self-contained stoves and lanterns may be used, but not in tents!

  • NO ONE  other than Latimer Kitchen Staff is allowed in the kitchen without permission from kitchen staff or reservation director per Health Department Rules. 

  • Campers must stay out of other campsites / cabins unless invited.  Off limit areas include Reservation Director’s / Staff Quarters, Property Manager’s Home and Maintenance Area.

  • Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are not permitted. Possession or use of them, on reservation property will be cause to report the incidence to authorities.

  • Smoking is not permitted in the presence of youth participants or in any structure - tent or building.  This is by Tennessee State Law! Smoking is restricted to the designated areas of the Reservation. 

  • No weapons or ammunition of any sort may be brought to camp. Latimer High Adventure Reservation will provide all necessary shooting equipment and ammunition.

  • Fireworks of all types (including smoke bombs, sparklers, and other match lit items) are prohibited on the Reservation. Fireworks are illegal in the State of Tennessee

  • All pets are prohibited from the Reservation. Seeing-eye guide dogs are allowed when in the care of their owner.

  • Leaders and participants who will be arriving or leaving the Reservation during the weekend MUST check in or out of the Latimer High Adventure Reservation Office. Participants are permitted to leave prior to the normal departure day only with a parent, unless he/she has a letter of permission to leave signed by at least one of his/her parent or guardian.

  • At least two adults (one at least 21 years old) must be present at all times while group is in camp.  If female youth participants are present, a female adult must be present.

  • All youth and adults MUST shower separately. Separate shower facilities are provided.



Behavior Guidelines of Latimer Reservation


All discipline should have as its purpose in improving behavior. It should be constructive or educational in nature, and should be limited to diversion, separation from problem situations, talking with the participant about the situation, close supervision, or praise for good behavior.  The following has been adopted as a policy regarding discipline:


  • Participants will not be subjected to physical harm, fear, or humiliation.


  • Participants will not be roughly handled, pinched, spanked, punched, shaken, bitten, or subjected to any physical punishment.


  • Separation will be brief and appropriate to the participant’s age and circumstances. The participant will be in a safe, lighted, well ventilated place, within hearing distance of an adult.


  • Verbal abuse or derogatory remarks about the participant, their family, race, religion, or cultural background will not be permitted.


  • Meals may not be denied to a participant as a disciplinary measure.


  • Authority to punish will not be delegated to other participants, nor will one camper be allowed to punish another.


  • At no time should leaders under 21 years of age discipline participants, unless their behavior threatens the safety of the offender or another individual. Then appropriate action to remedy the situation may be used.


  • Any participant who does not respond to discipline by adult leaders or staff will have their parent or guardian contacted to transport them home.


  • Group leaders must notify the Reservation Director of any participant who is to be sent home from the reservation, and the individual must be checked-out of camp through the appropriate procedures at the Latimer Reservation Office. Violation of this policy may result in dismissal of the leader or possibly the reporting of him/her to the appropriate legal authorities. This policy is in accordance with polices of the Boy Scouts of America and the laws of the State of Tennessee.

Latimer Reservation

Latimer Reservation is open to Boy Scout, Girl Scout, Church, School and Corporate Groups. Designed for teen and adult outdoor adventurers. Latimer provides programs of Climbing/Rappelling, Shooting Sports, Mountain Biking, Kayak/Paddle Board, Whitewater Rafting and Backpacking for first time explorers, aspiring enthusiasts, and serious experts.

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334 Plantation Road

Spencer, TN 38585

Telephone:  615-516-9751


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What People Say...


"Latimer provides excellent customer service with a highly trained and dedicated staff to safely provide a challenging, action-packed experience."


​​​© 2023 Latimer Reservation / MTCBSA


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